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Soundbar, TOPVISION 120W Stereo Sound Bar, 2.1CH TV Sound Bar with Subwoofer, 3D Surround Sound TV Speaker, Wired & Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Speakers for TV, USB, AUX/RCA, Optical, COA, HDMI Input

Soundbar, TOPVISION 120W Stereo Sound Bar, 2.1CH TV Sound Bar with Subwoofer, 3D Surround Sound TV Speaker, Wired & Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Speakers for TV, USB, AUX/RCA, Optical, COA, HDMI Input

Basic info about the barcode:

Type UPC-A
Number system digit 0
Manufacturer prefix 00380
Product number 00001
Check digit 0
Is check digit correct? Yes

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