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Cuckoo CR-0655F Rice Cooker & Warmer, 6 Cups, LCD-Display 11-Menu Options, Turbo, Mixed, and Brown/GABA, Porridge, Steam MultiCook, My Mode, 16-Various Cooking Methods, Small, Red/White

Cuckoo CR-0655F Rice Cooker & Warmer, 6 Cups, LCD-Display 11-Menu Options, Turbo, Mixed, and Brown/GABA, Porridge, Steam MultiCook, My Mode, 16-Various Cooking Methods, Small, Red/White

Basic info about the barcode:

Type UPC-A
Number system digit 0
Manufacturer prefix 00296
Product number 00009
Check digit 8
Is check digit correct? Yes

Looking for more info about this code? Let us know, we can help.